Background and experience…

My name is Suzanne Walsh, I started my working career nursing in a major London hospital where I gained insight into how stressful situations, be this acute or chronic periods of illness, life threatening and terminal illness such as cancer, addiction and trauma can affect a person and their family and friends. Having also worked in the corporate and entertainment industries, I have an understanding of the stresses inherent in both environments.  Whilst bringing up a family, as a mother, I continued to nurse the disabled and the terminally ill.

Retraining after my children left school I am now an experienced Person-Centred counsellor, an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and  on the United Kingdom Register of  Counsellors and Psychotherapists.

Whilst running a Private Practice from Cheshire and offering counselling at St Luke’s hospice, I work with both individuals and couples and as supervisor support trainees and qualified counsellors.  I have had many years experience working as a Counsellor and Clinical Lead in a Substance Misuse Agency, providing drug and alcohol counselling for users, and anyone affected by someone else’s use.

Additional experience gained in a G.P’s surgery in West London, Grove House Hospice St Albans, Hertfordshire and the Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre, at Mount Vernon Hospital in Middlesex, offering support to patients, families and friends living with cancer or a life-threatening illness.

My philosophy is based upon that of Carl Rogers, pioneer of the Person-Centred Approach sharing his belief in the actualising tendency, the innate capacity of every individual to grow and develop.

I feel my life’s experiences have equipped me with an empathic understanding, which I aim to bring to my counselling work.

Suzanne Walsh
MBACP (Accred) UKRCP Reg. Ind Psychotherapist
Person-Centred Counsellor and Supervisor
07787 577252